Products don't always integrate well with others, impacting developer productivity and project schedule. 各个产品通常与其他产品的集成性能并不好,而这会对开发人员的效率和项目进度造成影响。
You must take time out of your project schedule to invest in process improvement activities. 您需要从项目进度中拿出时间来投入到过程改进活动中。
Some units aren't able to meet integration and system-testing deadlines in the stringent project schedule. 某些单位无法在严格的项目时间表中按期完成集成和系统测试。
Test motivators are documents that may relate to the test effort, such as a project schedule, a requirements document, or a project plan. 测试激发因素是和测试努力相关的文档,例如一个项目进度表、一个需求文档、或者一个项目计划。
They collected and logged in the most expedient method for the project schedule. 他们以最便利的方法为项目进度收集数据并记录。
By doing this prioritization and comparison with your manager, you clarify the value of each activity regarding the overall project schedule. 通过与你的经理进行优先级讨论和比较,对于整个项目时间表上的每一个活动你都会有更清晰的认识。
These calendars are distinct from the calendar view, which shows the project schedule in a calendar format. 这些日历与“日历”视图不同,后者以日历格式显示项目日程。
We shall also make the project schedule report every day. 我们也将每天提进项目进度讲演。
Therefore, Project Schedule Management is the key role in every project. 项目进度管理成了至关重要的环节。
But you might not identify all of your project risks if you analyze only the project schedule. 但如果只分析项目日程,就可能无法识别所有项目风险。
A project schedule is created by assigning resources and determining the calendar time required for each task. 分配资源,确定每项任务所需的时间,制定项目进度计划。
This is the process necessary for controlling changes to the project schedule. 这是控制项目进度变更需要的过程。
The short overall project schedule dictates that design of all five segments should be executed concurrently. 短期的整体项目时间表要求五个区段的设计同时执行。
Drag onto an existing project schedule and connect two task bars to create a task dependency. 拖到现有项目日程上并连接两个任务栏以创建任务依赖关系。
This is unpaid and not reflected in the project schedule to our client. 这是否付费在给我们客户的项目计划中已反映出来了。
Project Schedule Plan and Control of Fishing Port Safety Monitoring System 渔港安全监控系统项目进度计划与控制研究
Plan and execute statistical analyses on research dataset and studies to deliver quality output as per the project schedule. 在项目规定时间内安排和执行统计分析,并且提供优质的分析结果以供使用。
Schedule Development& analyzing activity sequences, activity durations, and resource requirements to create the project schedule. 编制进度计划-分析工序顺序、工序持续时间和资源需求。
What the project schedule is and the ongoing product lifecycle schedule is. 什么是项目的进度、什么是运营中的产品生命周期的进度。
Delays associated with obtaining row access are not considered in the project schedule or the proposal cost. 与获得路权使用权相关的延迟未考虑进项目时间表或标书费用。
Research and Development of Engineering Project Schedule Optimization System under Multiple Resource Constraints 多资源约束下工程项目进度优化系统的研究与开发
Adds a text callout to an existing PERT Chart project schedule. 向现有pert图表项目日程添加文本标注。
To implement the efficient and result-orientated method ( project schedule, cost) in daily work. 在日常工作中使用有助于提高工作效率和效果的方法(如项目进度计划、成本控制)。
By cases, this paper explains that this model can effectively shorten the project cycle and provide project schedule management with new thinkings. 论文通过实例说明了该模型可以有效地缩短项目周期,为项目进度管理提供了新的思路。
Research on Petroleum Pipeline Project Schedule Management System 石油管道工程进度计划管理系统研究
Drag onto a Gantt chart to add a new column of data to your project schedule. 拖到甘特图上以向项目日程添加一列新数据。
A point on the project schedule at which the project team assesses progress and quality, and reviews deviations in scope and specifications. 项目时间表中的一个点,在该点上,项目团队评估进度和质量,并评审范围内的偏差以及规范。
Project network technique is presently a frequently-used method to make project schedule plan. 目前,工程项目进度计划的编制多采用网络计划方法。
The project schedule can reflect this, and the utilization rate will be higher. 项目计划能反映这一点,这样人员利用率将较高一些。